1 - b) Rebecca has got blonde hair.
2 - a) They have got a secret.
3 - b) Has Charles got a cold?
4 - a) Sharon has not got school.
5 - b) I have got a snow friend.
6 - a) The dog has got a boot.
7 - b) Whose house has got pink walls?
8 - a) We have not got a toaster.
9 - a) He has got a yellow ball.
10 - a) Have Sam and Tess got bags?
11 - b) Have cars got eyes?
12 - a) Julia has not got a t-shirt.
13 - a) How many books have you got?
14 - a) Have a rocking horse got wheels?
15 - b) Has the cat got a bath?
16 - a) Has a butterfly got legs?
17 - a) You have got a great dream.
18 - b) My teddy has got yellow ears.
19 - a) I have not got a pink paper clip.
20 - a) Has the boy got flippers?
21 - b) Has the kitten got a heart?
22 - a) The girls have got trendy looks.
23 - a) I have got a full bag.
24 - a) They have got buckets.
Explicação: O termo "Have" serve para os pronomes "I, You, We e They", já o "Has" serve para os outros pronomes "She, He e It".
Observação: Para mais dúvidas como esse conteúdo, eu indico muito esse site → https://pt.bab.la/verbo/ingles/
Espero ter ajudado, bons estudos! <3