How to Lose a Pound a Day Anna Murphy - Mar 4 (...) Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know with absolute certainty how to lose a pound a day? Boy, that could help out a lot especially after celebrations and special holidays after you’ve enjoyed weeks of overindulgence. On the other hand, let’s say you have quite a few pounds to lose. It would probably make you feel a lot better if you knew you could lose a pound a day. The problem is how in the world do you lose a pound a day? I mean is it even possible. The short answer to that question is sure it is but you’d have to go through some extreme and sometimes unrealistic means. If you want know how to lose a pound a day you have to be ready to take some serious action. Yes, that means changing your diet drastically in most cases. You need to embrace calorie reduction and clean eating, which consists of eating healthy non processed foods. Fresh vegetables and lean proteins are a plus. Additionally, you should decrease the amount of calories you consume each day. Check with your doctor to see what is determined a safe number of calories to consume daily for your particular weight. Of course if you want to know how to lose a pound a day, you know you’ve got to include some serious exercise. While changing your diet is essential to you dropping the pounds, if you really want to turn the weight lose accelerator on you need to include some form of aerobic exercise at least five to six days a week. If you’re a weight loss newbie start off with twenty minutes of cardio each day and as you get more comfortable add more minutes until you ultimately reach sixty minutes. Hey, no one said losing a pound a day was easy but it is possible. (…) Thank you and best of luck. (…) Disponível em: . Acesso em 01 de julho de 2022. Adaptado. De acordo com as informações contidas no texto, é correto afirmar que a condicional “would” no texto é usada para Alternativas Alternativa 1: fazer um convite às pessoas a manterem uma dieta equilibrada e atividades físicas constantes. Alternativa 2: dar instruções sobre o que as pessoas devem fazer para perder uma libra (cerca de 0,450 kg) por dia. Alternativa 3: solicitar (pedir) às pessoas para que elas cuidem de sua saúde e percam peso, caso a obesidade esteja lhes causando problemas de saúde. Alternativa 4: indicar uma incerteza (situação imaginária), hipótese e/ou probabilidade, relacionada à ideia de perder peso, a sensação que perder peso poderia trazer e aos meios para que isso aconteça. Alternativa 5: indicar obrigações que as pessoas que desejam perder peso devem ter, por exemplo, reduzir a ingestão de calorias, reduzir o consumo de alimentos processados, aumentar o consumo de alimentos saudáveis e fazer atividades aeróbicas de cinco a seis vezes por semana.

Respostas 1

Alternativa 3, Pois "would" em português ficaria "gostaria". como exemplo uma frase: "Boa tarde, o senhor gostaria de um café?" ou seja, em inglês ficaria "Good afternoon sir, would you like a coffee?"

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