1. The genre of the text is a) poem. b) autobiography. c) news. d) comic strip. 2. London is in a) England. b) Australia. c) the United States. d) the house

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1.b) autobiography.

2.a) England.


Hi! My name is Jacob and I am twelve years old. I am Australian but I live in London, the capital of England. My family and I live in a big house. My family is big. I have two brothers, Ferris and Harry, and one sister, Paula. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. We have six pets: two dogs and four hamsters. They’re cool!

1. The genre of the text is

a) poem.

b) autobiography.

c) news.

d) comic strip.

Está claro, visto que Jacob está descrevendo sua vida e se apresentando.

  • podemos notar isso observando o uso de verbos sendo conjugados na primeira pessoa no texto, por exemplo.

2. London is in

a) England.

b) Australia.

c) the United States.

d) the house.

Londres é capital da Inglaterra e do Reino Unido.

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