⇒⇒ Conditionals
If your relationship is strong and brimming with love, you may notice a few things your partner does without hesitation, simply because they want to (...). Apart from wanting to be a good partner, it can also stem from their strong feelings.
If your partner responds quickly when you need help — even if that just means stepping out of work to call you back — you know you're a top priority to them.
If they do something wrong, they'll want to tell you right away.
If your partner has your best interests at heart, and really cares for you deeply, then they won't hesitate to see things from your point of view.
If you are truly in love with someone, you will never make them a second option!
Considerando o texto, analise as afirmações a seguir:
I. O trecho “If you are truly in love with someone” introduz uma construção de first conditional. (correto)
II. O trecho “If your partner responds quickly when you need help” introduz uma construção de first conditional.
III.O trecho “If you are truly in love with someone, you will never make them a second option!” está na primeira condicional. (correto)
IV. O trecho “If they do something wrong, they'll want to tell you right away” poderia ser assim traduzido: “Se eles fizessem algo errado, eles iriam querer que você os avisasse rapidamente”.
É correto o que se afirma em:
Alternativa 1: II, apenas.
Alternativa 2: I e III, apenas. √
Alternativa 3: II e III, apenas.
Alternativa 4: I, III e IV, apenas.
Alternativa 5: I, II, III e IV.
II. O trecho “If your partner responds quickly when you need help” introduz uma construção de first conditional.
O trecho está na ''zero conditional'' porque a estrutura está ''verbo no presente + verbo no presente''
IV. O trecho “If they do something wrong, they'll want to tell you right away” poderia ser assim traduzido: “Se eles fizessem algo errado, eles iriam querer que você os avisasse rapidamente”.
A tradução correta é: Se eles fizerem algo errado, eles vão querer contar para você imediatamente''
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