A: Martin Luther King JR entered public school at age 5.
B: He attended Booker T. Washington High School.
C: He skipped both the ninth and eleventh grades and entered Morehouse College in Atlanta at age 15, in 1944.
D: In 1948, he earned a sociology degree from Morehouse College.
E: He married Coretta Scott, an aspiring singer and musician, in June, 1953.
F: In the spring of 1963, King organized a demonstration in downtown Birmingham, Alabama.
G: On August 28, 1963, he delivered his famous I have a dream speech.
H: King received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.
I: He died in April 1968.
Para formular o past simple, geralmente basta colocar um -ed no final das palavras. Se elas já terminam com e, colocamos apenas um -d. Se a palavra terminar com Y (sem ser precedido de vogal), tiramos o Y e colocamos um -ied como foi o caso da letra E.
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