Resposta: a) People born between 1996 and 2016. They are surrounded by technology and considered ambi-
tious, digital-natives, and confident. Geração Z
b) People born between 1965 and 1981. They live between the digital and non-digital world; are
considered resourceful, logical, and good problem solvers. Geração X
c) People born after the WWII, between 1946 and 1964. They are considered committed,
self-sufficient, and competitive. Baby boomers
d) People born between 1982-1995. They are the first generation to be “digital natives;” are con-
sidered confident, curious, and authority-questioning. Geração Y
Explicação: Creio eu que é isto que se pede. Marquem como melhor resposta pfvvvvv.